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POCLAIN Group – EMSISO acquisition
We are proud to announce strategic acquisition of EMSISO. POCLAIN Group has acquired a controlling 51 % ownership of EMSISO. Common...

emDrive propelled Stewart Platform
Emsiso is thrilled to announce the development of our Stewart platform, designed for student challenges, development purposes, and...

EMSISO entered a strategic partnership with POCLAIN
Synergies in a long-term vision of EMSISO and POCLAIN shareholders led into a new step in June 2022, where POCLAIN acquired shares of...

Presenting emDrive products at the Battery Show 2021 in Stuttgart, Germany
EMSISO has presented its line of emDrive products at the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe 2021 in Stuttgart from 30th of...

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe 2021 Stuttgart: emDrive presenting innovations
Visit us between November 30 – December 2, 2021 in Stuttgart, Germany. Booth 4-260 We are proud of our team, representing the EmDrive...

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe 2021 Stuttgart: emDrive presenting innovations
Visit us between November 30 – December 2, 2021 in Stuttgart, Germany. Booth 4-260 Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo is Europe's...

Electronic pivot irrigation system
Emsiso has finished development of a electronic pivot irrigation system for large agricultural applications (up to 0.5 mile). While...

EMSISO Ensures Automotive Functional Safety per ISO 26262
EMSISO, R&D company that provides full Embedded developments in various fields and emDrive, globally recognized brand for motor...

EMSISO - Part of first certified electric aircraft Velis Electro
The Velis Electro is powered by a 76hp (58kW) liquid-cooled, Pipistrel E-811 electric engine – developed with Slovenian engineering...

GSM/NB-IoT tracking unit
Emsiso has developed a new product in his portfolio. This is an ultra low power stand alone tracking unit dedicated for tracking vehicles...
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